“The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.” – M.K. Clinton
Most everyone has probably lived alone at some point in their lives, or at least been home alone. Being alone can be quiet and relaxing, a time to unwind and take your mind off things. It can also be quite terrifying…if you’re not really alone.
Karen found herself in this situation a few years ago. Her house was broken into, and her confidence in being alone at home was shattered. Her solution? Get a dog. Not a bad solution, in our opinion. She began browsing online for a dog she could adopt into her home and came across Lottie on the Greenville Animal Care website. One look, and Karen knew she had to meet this dog.
She met with Lottie several times before adopting and, during this time period, Lottie was transferred over to us at The Canine Healing Project. We were more than happy to have Lottie adopted by someone who was willing to take the time to get to know her ahead of time.
Lottie has a bit of an unknown, but sad, history. Karen believes she had been rescued from situations of abandonment not once, but twice. Furthermore, the second time around she had a collar embedded in her neck. It was clear that Lottie needed a very different type of human in her life than the ones she was used to.
Lottie’s life is anything but sad now. She gets constant love and attention from Karen, her parents and their dogs. Since Karen works the third shift as a Security Lieutenant, Lottie often spends time with the extended family and loves every minute of it.
Karen and Lottie are a perfect fit for each other. Karen loves being outdoors and so does Lottie. Whether this involves running, playing ball or even gardening, Lottie is always right there to play or to lend a helping paw. Karen’s fear of being alone is not an issue with a companion like Lottie around. They watch movies together and even sleep in the same bed!
When asked what Lottie means to her, this is what Karen said, “I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her. She is my best friend and snuggle bunny. I look at her and think about what she went through and how lucky I am to have her in my life. I am so blessed to know she will never feel unloved again.”
Just the simple act of adopting a dog to feel more secure at home can completely change the lives of both the dog and the human. We are so happy to be a part of stories like this one.